Club Policies

As a Swimming NZ club and a member of the Nelson Marlborough Swim Association we abide by all Swimming NZ and Swimming Nelson Marlborough Goverence and technical recommendations.

Tasman Swim Club Committee

Nic Tuthill - Secretary
Mandy Thomas - Treasurer and Recorder
Grants and Funding - Ruth Bell
Tony Munnerley- Equipment Manager
Jon Linyard - Coach Liaison
Bridgette Daly - Trainee Recorder

Our committee meets once a month on Tuesday evenings from 5:30 pm at the Pool. If you have any questions or issues you wish to have discussed at a committee meeting please don’t hesitate to make contact with a member of the committee or Contact Us.

Meeting Minutes are emailed out to all club members.


Tasman Swim Club and Swimming Nelson Marlborough are run entirely by volunteers.

New friends gratefully welcomed!

Helping at meets

  • Each swimmer should have one person helping at the meet

  • Timekeeping easiest place to start and you can meet other parents

  • Please complete the google form sent with the meet information – the club recorders can then assign all roles and confirm the meet.

1.     Officials

We would love to have more junior parents in these roles. Thanks to those are who now trained and qualified!

  • Full training and support provided

  • Start as Inspector of Turns (IOT) then move to Judge of Stroke (JOS) then Starter or Referee.

  • Choose to progress at your own pace.

  • Can officiate at National Meets

  • Free officials t-shirt

  • See Lowri McNabb (Blenheim) or any TSC Committee members

We really do need some new officials beginning their training! 

2.     Managing

  • Sit with the team and marshall swimmers 4-6 races ahead

  • Work in pairs at larger meets

  • National Championship meets will require managers to travel and stay with the team.  They manage meals, laundry, transport and then work at the pool during sessions.  Busy but rewarding job.

3.     TSC Committee

  • Committee elected at AGM in August

  • Most have specific roles (secretary, treasurer etc) some general positions too.

  • New faces welcome as a number of senior swimmers have recently retired.

  • Monthly meeting

  • Please let Lees (current president) know if you would be interested in joining this year.     

4.     SNM Committee

  • Each swim club has 1-2 members who also sit on the SNM Committee.  They make decisions about the meet calendar, endorse SNM records, decide on meet formats etc.